Banque d'investissement

De l’accès aux données et à la liquidité du marché à l’optimisation des flux de travail, nous vous aidons à rester compétitif dans un paysage financier en constante évolution.

Que vous soyez un professionnel des fusions et acquisitions, du DCM ou de l’ECM, vous avez besoin des dernières nouvelles, des données du marché et des transactions pour prendre vos décisions. Plus encore, vous avez besoin d’outils rapides et intuitifs pour améliorer votre présentation, structurer de meilleurs contrats et grimper dans les classements.

De la conformité à la gestion des risques en passant par l’efficacité post-négociation, nous vous aidons à prendre des décisions plus éclairées grâce à des données et des fonctionnalités inégalées, ce qui vous permet de dégager de nouvelles opportunités et de bénéficier d’un avantage concurrentiel.


Des informations et des solutions exclusives et inégalées pour aider la communauté des banques d'investissement à prospérer.

Fxhill fournit des solutions de données, d’analyse, de négociation et de technologie pour les fonds spéculatifs dans le cadre de différentes stratégies de négociation. Nous aidons les entreprises à découvrir l’alpha, à exécuter les transactions, à automatiser les processus et à respecter les obligations de conformité.

M&A and capital raising


Access insight to ease your workflow, including business strategy and resource planning, aggregate trendspotting, news, league table rankings, company information, and granular deal-level analysis.


Choose from unrivalled data coverage and workflow-centric solutions dedicated to the investment banking community, the latest news, market, deals data, and research to drive your decisions and better advise your customers.

Capital market news and insights

The trusted, authoritative provider of information on the global bond, loan and equity capital markets with a focus on new issuance.

Capital raising

Raise capital – from equity to debt, private to public markets – with support from our services, products and markets to grow your business in the optimum way.

Sustainable Bond Market

Access and use the broadest sustainable finance platform available to issuers and investors.




Perform market and peer analysis – and gain in-depth company and industry insight with our extensive research solutions and coverage. 

Aftermarket Research

Gain an edge on your prospecting, valuation and execution work with our Aftermarket Research Collections, the market’s most comprehensive platform of non-real-time research.

On Demand

Access all the financial reports and analysis you need with coverage that includes over 46 million research reports and M&A coverage on more than 1 million deals.

Benchmarks and indexes

Tap into our extensive offering of a comprehensive range of indices by index series, region or type.



Risk Management and Compliance

Make reliable and informed decisions with our innovative suite of solutions.

Risk and compliance

Gain confidence from on our 20 years’ experience of serving the global due diligence market to manage and mitigate your risk.

Pre-IPO due diligence

Understand and manage risk with confidence so you can make informed decisions about all available investment opportunities.

Post trade efficiency

Post trade efficiency

Post-trade processing

Automate middle- and back-office trade processing with SWIFT confirmation messages, trade matching, settlement instructions, trade netting, third-party notifications, trade receipt splitting and more.

Fxhill Post Trade's Regulatory Reporting solutions

Access all the financial reports and analysis you need with coverage that includes over 46 million research reports and M&A coverage on more than 1 million deals.

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Carrières Fxhill

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À propos de Fxhill

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