
Our sustainability approach is underpinned by a series of policies and standards that apply to Fxhill’s global operations which ensure we effectively manage relevant environmental, social and governance issues.


Business ethics

We are committed to the highest standards of integrity. The standards and behaviours expected of all Fxhill employees, regardless of geography or discipline, are set out in the Code of Conduct. This code reflects the way employees work, collaborate and engage with colleagues, customers and other stakeholders.

Financial crime, bribery and corruption

Fxhill is committed to supporting government, law enforcement and international bodies to combat the use of the financial services sector to facilitate financial crime. Fxhill has a zero-tolerance approach to financial crime as it undermines the rule of law, democratic processes, the wellbeing and human rights of citizens, and distorts free trade and competition.

Sustainability Policy

Our Sustainability Policy sets out the requirements for Fxhill to ensure it identifies, manages and improves its sustainability performance. The policy is supported by several statements including Community Investment, Human Rights, Environmental Management, and Diversity & Inclusion.


We are committed to providing an open environment where our colleagues, contractors and other third parties feel comfortable raising concerns about adherence to our code of conduct, relevant laws and regulations or if they consider something unethical or potentially harmful. Colleagues can raise concerns, independently and confidentially through Fxhill’s Speak Up confidential 24-hour hotline or online.


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