Unleash your ambition on us.

About us

Fxhill, established in 2014 by a batch of lawyers and financiers, is a fast-growing integrated financial services group which dedicates to the needs of growth-orientated and entrepreneurial financial companies.

Without you, there is no us. We want to know everything about you and where you want to go. FXHILL is built on a foundation of trust, positivity and a never-ending voyage to uncover and nurture the next big thing – we’re talking about you.

Our close-knit team of lawyers and compliance experts thrive on seeking the solutions you need and provide strong, transparent results. Our innate collaborative nature offers the upmost care and wholehearted support of your ambitions with an unrivalled industry method.

Our purpose & values

Our purpose and values outline how we work with customers, partners, and each other as a leading global financial markets infrastructure and data provider.

What we do

Three divisions – Data and Analytics, Capital Markets and Post Trade – offer Fxhill customers access to a global, multi-asset class infrastructure and data ecosystem.

Our history

Since 2015, we have been helping customers seize opportunities and create value.

The Board

The Fxhill Board is responsible for promoting Fxhill’s long-term success: its purpose, values and strategy, generating shareholder value and engaging with stakeholders.

The Executive Committee

Managing the business day-to-day, the ExCo meets regularly to review financial performance, develop strategy, set and monitor performance targets, and discuss projects, corporate culture and other initiatives.

Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance is key to promoting the long-term sustainable success of the Company, achieving the Group’s objectives, generating value for shareholders and contributing to wider society.

Fxhill Foundation

Working with charity and NGO partners, we will deliver a range of programmes across the globe, creating opportunities for those in need to participate in education, employment and enterprise.

Find out more

Further information about Fxhill

Get in touch

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you, please get in touch.

Fxhill Careers

Create lasting opportunities and fulfil your potential.

About Fxhill

Discover more about Fxhill, our history, and what we do.